How to Follow the SMART Money with SMARTRobie: A Guide to Harnessing Advanced Trading Insights

In the rapidly evolving world of stock trading, staying ahead of market trends and leveraging sophisticated analytical tools can significantly enhance trading outcomes. One such tool that has garnered attention is SMARTRobie, developed by TradeVSA.

This platform integrates the principles of Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) with real-time market data to offer traders a cutting-edge advantage. Here’s how you can follow the smart money using SMARTRobie and optimize your trading strategies.

Understanding SMARTRobie, Mobile App for Stock Trade Idea Generation and Analysis

SMARTRobie is an AI-driven stock market assistant that supports traders by providing real-time trading signals, stock comments, and fundamental data analysis. It utilizes the TradeVSA Pentagon Guider® System, which displays clear trading signals—Green Pentagon for buy signals and Red Pentagon for sell signals—helping traders make informed decision.

Key Features of SMARTRobie

1. Intraday and EOD Stock Trading Idea Signals: SMARTRobie refreshes its stock alert list every 20 minutes and new sets of trade idea listing, providing fresh trading ideas that are critical in the fast-paced trading environment for Bursa Malaysia Exchange, Singapore Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, NYSE and NASDAQ and US SP500

2. Comprehensive SMARTRobie FA (Fundamental Analysis) Stock Analysis: The tool offers detailed comments on stock performance, displaying bullish or bearish ratings based on the Pentagon Guider® System. It also includes fundamental analysis data and daily trading plans for individual stocks, helping traders understand potential support and resistance levels

3. Risk Management: While SMARTRobie provides sophisticated tools to enhance trading, it’s crucial to remember that trading involves risks. The platform’s past performance is not a guarantee of future results, and proper risk management is advised to mitigate potential losses

4. Consistent Profits from VSA Members….Highlight trading style, rules of members performance results from their virtual trading over 6 mths available from this

Educational Resources

TradeVSA offers a plethora of resources to help traders master VSA and integrate it with fundamental analysis for more effective trading. Workshops and tutorials are available, providing insights into using fundamental analysis alongside VSA to pick high-quality stocks. These educational offerings not only explain the technical tools but also emphasize the importance of risk management and position sizing

Leveraging SMARTRobie for Enhanced Trading Decisions

To effectively use SMARTRobie, traders should engage with its various features:

  • Pentagon Guider System Stock Screener: Use SMARTRobie’s alerts to identify stocks displaying signs of strength or weakness as indicated by VSA indicators.
  • Stage 2 (trending) Market Trends: Keep an eye on the “Hot Sector” tab which ranks sectors based on their relative strength, offering insights into the sectors most likely to outperform and many more…
  • Continuous Learning: Participate in Live FB every Monday breakfast show morning ( training sessions and utilize the tutorials offered by TradeVSA to stay updated on the latest trading strategies and market changes.


SMARTRobie represents a significant advancement in trading technology, providing traders with the tools to follow the smart money effectively. By integrating real-time data, technical analysis, and educational resources, SMARTRobie empowers traders to make more informed and strategic trading decisions in the dynamic stock market.

For more detailed information and access to educational resources, visiting the official TradeVSA site and exploring the SMARTRobie section is highly recommended.