Backtesting Best World, CGN.SGX with TradeVSA 18 Line Change Trading Strategy

18 Line Change BackTest Trades Between 2017-11-28 & 2018-11-28 ,+364 days for Best World International Ltd, (CGN.SGX)

Benchmark FBMKLCI = -1.72 % (over the same period)
Benchmark SGX STI = -10.22 % (over the same period)

No of Trades = 3
No of Winning transaction = 2
Pct of Winning = +66.67 %
Total Gain/Loss = 33.91 %

Average Pct Win = +22.2 % per trade
Average Pct Loss = -10.4 % per trade

Average Win Period = 63 days
Average Loss Period = 77 days

Transaction of Backtest Trade:

Trade #: 1 Buy Date : 2018-02-27 Sell Date : 2018-05-15 Buy Px : 1.44 Sell Px : 1.29 Loss : -0.15 Gain/Loss : -10.42% Period : +77 days
Trade #: 2 Buy Date : 2018-07-12 Sell Date : 2018-10-11 Buy Px : 1.36 Sell Px : 1.38 Profit : 0.02 Gain/Loss : 1.47% Period : +91 days
Trade #: 3 OPEN POSITION, Buy Date : 2018-10-23 Buy Px : 1.61 Current Date : 2018-11-27 Last Trade Px : 2.3 Profit : 0.69 Gain/Loss : 42.86% Period : +35 days


***18 LINE CHANGE BUY*** performed BETTER than KLCI by 35.6 %
***18 LINE CHANGE BUY*** performed BETTER than SGX by 44.1 %