7 Things to Know Before Choosing an Investment Education Provider or Trading Course!
Of course, when it comes to selecting investment education provider or something known as investing course or trading course, the buyer must do little bit of due diligence into the trading course provider.
The below criteria of trading course is not exhaustive but it will give you some ideas to think about when choosing trading course provider or investment education provider. There are many trading seminar and trading course covering Bursa Malaysia listed companies listed in Bursa Malaysia Stock Exchange.
1. Not a One-Man Show by trading course company
A team is always a good choice when choosing for trading course educator. Why? A team is the best way to create a better process in giving you the best education you can have especially when receiving good investment advice. One man show or a solopreneur usually face a lot of difficulties as they have a lot on their plate and they may not give you the best education in terms of flexibility.
2. Good Support Team
What to do if you have any questions or inquiries? Well, a good support from the trading course team support will answer your questions and inquiries with the utmost respect and try to understand your concerns. Furthermore, a good support team will give you timely support if you have any problems with the package itself when choosing your trading course for stock market. You need to identify if they can during your trading seminar preview :
- Meet you in person of the trading course or trading seminar provider
- Send them emails/message you via popular messaging app like WhatsApp and Telegram
- Reply to you between 1 or 2 days
- Meet you in a physical office environment of the trading course.
3. Great Testimonials from Participants past trading course
Testimonials are a good indicator that any business of the trading seminar provider is doing well or not. If you have seen great testimonials from an investment education provider, you know that the service they provide is professional and qualified to help you get the best knowledge out there.
Ask the provider how many customers of the trading course they have and who are their participants.
Another great way identifies testimonials are Social Media of their trading seminar Facebook. Search for them in social media, usually Trading Course Facebook or Trading Seminar FaceBook and you can know has anybody recommend them for their service or not.
4. Free tools vs Premium tools
Investment Education providers usually provide tools for you during the trading course to analyse the markets so that you can detect and analyse market conditions. Out there, there are multiple tools for you to use, but as a consumer, you need to identify which tools can help you make a better investment decision in their trading seminar.
You may come across between free tools and premium tools that analyse the market. However, you need to know there are great differences between free and premium ones.
Free tools are usually free trials that get costumers to get a feel of what they are getting. Be informed of what tools you are buying and make sure that it is worth the value as you may have paid premium price for your trading course or trading seminar to trade wisely in the stock market.
5. Track Record of the Trading Course Education Provider
The proof is very important when choosing an investment education provider. Especially in the world of trading and investing, one wrong decision will burn your money and investment in an instant. So, the risk is high. If you want to determine the success of your future investments in the trading course, you need to identify what proof has the education provider provides for their students. If you have seen their students are doing well with no complaints on the investments side, you know that this track record is good.
6. The Period of Establishment of the Trading Seminar Provider
Experience is very important in making decisions. If you have a fund manager with 10 years experience and another with 5 years of experience in teaching or providing trading courses and investing materials for students, you know who would have a better chance of providing you with a good consistent return. The same is with an investment education provider. If the provider has a very long period of establishment, you know the trading course provider has a certain number of clients.
7. Excellent Technical Expertise
Technical expertise is very important especially in providing education. Investment analysis especially needs a very high degree in analytical thinking. To identify whether a person or the provider has good technical expertise, it’s best to see if the provider has qualifications and certifications in the field of investments. Before you engage in the provider, ask the trading course provider to see the qualification and certifications that the trading seminar provider has.
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