(26-Oct)Budget 2021 Emergency situation, KLCI breaking down EP66 | Money Talk with SmartRobie

Oct 26, 2020

(26-Oct)Budget 2021 Emergency situation, KLCI breaking down EP66 | Money Talk with SmartRobie

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1. Opening 2:30m
2. No Emergency declared 4:11m
3. Budget 2021 6:20m
4. XOX 8:15m
5. Maxis 10:00m
6. Premium Alert Eforce (-3%), (-5.6%) previous, TDEX 15:55m
7. Stock review Inix, QES, Serbadk, Hextar, Jaks 17:15m
8. Trending stock, Liihen, Inari, Unisem 28:02m
9. Next talk Part US election Market Outlook

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Images (news + texts) – StarBiz newspaper & Edge CEO Morning Brief